Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre

Moholoholo is a wildlife rehabilitation centre and sanctuary nestled below the majestic Mariepskop mountains that is dedicated to saving South Africa’s injured, orphaned or poisoned wildlife.
Situated in the shadow of the majestic “Mariepskop” this unique Rehabilitation Centre is home to many animals and birds. Some of them are the rescued Lions from a Circus; Queen the Crowned Eagle, Chui the Leopard, Jolly & Juba the Cheetah ambassadors and many more.
Moholoholo is a wildlife rehabilitation centre and sanctuary nestled below the majestic Mariepskop mountains that is dedicated to saving South Africa’s injured, orphaned or poisoned wildlife. Treating all indigenous species from mice to rhinos, all wildlife admitted to the rehab centre is returned to the wild where possible, but should an individual’s injuries or circumstance lead to them being unfit for release their situation is evaluated carefully to see if they would be suited to a life at the sanctuary. The animals you see at the sanctuary are those who are not suited for release for various reasons including imprinting, being hand raised or having a debilitating injury. They act as ambassadors for their species to help educate the public about the problems our wildlife is facing and hopefully ignite a passion to help save it.
Please note that no animals undergoing rehabilitation are shown on the tours.
Please note that there is no interaction with the animals during the tours.
All of our lions and leopards are either in same sex groups or have been vasectomised.
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